Telescopic holder carbon fiber system for pilot’s helmet
Carbon Fiber and nomex honeycomb panel – wing section
Mold of parabolic antenna for satellitar transmission systemSatellitar antenna in Carbon fiber and nomex honeycomb sandwich
Aviacompositi is able to develop military projects that contemplate the use of composite materials such as Carbon fiber, Kevlar and Glass fibers. In recent years Aviacompositi has developed various projects from scratch, designs, requirements and specifications provided by the clients. As an example we show the anti-cervical system for helicopter pilots for Air Force (The project has an international patent) conceived by Professor Antonio Dal Monte and designed, manufactured and developed by Us of Aviacompositi. Other projects have been developed but they are often covered by military secret, therefore we cannot reveal the details even if we can show some pictures that show the level of our work. Our services includes the 3D CAD and structural design applied to structures in pure composite materials or combined with metal frames and inserts. We also interface with the client’s engineers to solve issues related to the optimization of design for the best realization of their projects.